General Knowledge and 21st Century Skills

“We are approaching a new age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill... it demands a broader vision, capabilities in critical thinking and logical deduction without which we cannot have constructive progress”

Li Ka-shing

General Knowledge and 21st Century Skills is a key ileap program. The program encourages students to think creatively, evaluate critically and communicate freely. Our skill development program emphasizes on process and discovery-based learning. Carefully constructed lesson plans and age-appropriate modules develop skills like analyzing, classifying, comparing and contrasting, defining, describing, evaluating, explaining, problem-solving, tracking cause and effect, designing, imagining, improvising, innovating, communicating, and collaborating.

A wide range of General Knowledge topics have been categorized on the basis of students’ age group. Architecture, Environment, Plants, Animal world, Rocks, Financial literacy, Current events, Unsolved mysteries, Countries, and Continents are some of the topics/ modules. 

Course: Discovery Champions (Note: The program can be customised to group needs and include aspects of Language Development.)

Age Group: 3 years - 5 years

Course content:

  • 21st Century Skills (Communication, Critical thinking, Creativity, and Collaboration)
  • General Knowledge topics/concepts
  • Practice sheets for classwork and homework
  • Weekend reading assignment
  • Language Development (optional) - Vocabulary, Comprehension, Reading skills

  • Course: General Knowledge and Skill Development

    Grades/Level: Intermediate /Advanced /Little Masters /Masters /Genius /Scholars /Achievers

    Age Group:6 years-14 years (Grades 1-8)

    Course content:

  • 21st-Century Skills (Communication, Critical thinking, Creativity, and Collaboration)
  • General Knowledge
  • Current Events
  • Debates and discussions
  • Individual and Group Projects
  • Practice sheets for classwork and homework
  • Weekend reading assignment
  • Language Development (optional) - Vocabulary, Comprehension, Grammar
  • Sign up for a free trial